Thursday, November 10, 2011

One Step Behind



What happens, I often wonder, when everything we do is eventually available to anyone, is easily accessible, easily done, easily achieved, etc. Some may say "Why wonder? Let everyone explore!" Yes. It may be true. In a sense it means higher standards in anything. To stop generalizing, I will pick a topic. Photography.

Photography is art. The amazing part is it can be anything you desire it to be. But the core, the single meaning if everything were sucked out into vacuum and only one thing left behind from the meaning of 'photography' is the Art.


Photography is the Art of exploring. Is having the eye for things, the imagination before its revelation not necessarily in that order. Someone may come up with a perfect meaning to them of a unique photography. But for that to come true, dedication and hard work is needed, either to wait for the perfect moment, or create the opportunity. On the opposite aspect, someone goes and takes shots randomly and without real purpose, and then puts them in the Lightroom and painstakingly looks for that one special photograph. Whatever the way, it is an Art of discovery.

And still I ask, what is the outcome, the side effect if you will, of taking away this work that goes into creating photographic art and making it available to everyone? Ah, so if photography is the art in the making, what about the tools available? Yes, it is the tools we use and those not yet created that prompt me to stop and consider our actions.

Modern technology is the mediator for this argument. Without it we'd still be using chemicals, and a dark room. But now, if you can shed some money, things are easily available. Standalone softwares, cameras, lenses, camera with software, phones with cameras, phones with cameras and softwares (apps), etc, etc, etc. And now Lytro. The disclaimer is, there is no disclaimer. This is my own opinion. Hence there is no direct link.

The light field camera concept is fantastic and unique in its achievement. But, its sudden wash into the market (early 2012) seems to me, will cause a lot of discomfort to photographers. It will make things that once were difficult to achieve and master, now will be a breeze to complete. And anyone with the monetary source will be able to achieve these amazing photographs that only pros were able to do, and maybe even better than what the pros have achieved so far.

I predict the road ahead will split in two: one for the casual photographer using latest technology and the other for the professional photographers using classic cameras. I think we are already experiencing it. The world of iPhones and the apps can produce amazing photographs that can further be edited with built in templates. Android is doing the same thing. Other point and shoot cameras do the same. But all are static. With Lytro, things are no longer what they were.

Will professional photographers merge and try to take from both worlds? With this Lytro light field camera so easily accessible, I don't see why not. I would do the same. Portability is what people at Lytro worked to achieve. And portability is what they are selling. But if something is so easy to achieve, where is the uniqueness anymore? Yes, I mentioned earlier "higher standards". Here is why: because pride is at stake and professional photographers can't allow any drooling teenager to produce a spectacular perfectly captured image with just a click of a button.

Can light field photography replace the everyday camera needs even those of current photographers using camera and lenses? I can't answer. We must know its limitations. For now we know it's super portable, and a new revolutionary concept. This sounds awfully familiar. Do you recall the amazing iPad commercial? And look where they are now? Has it replaces computers as we know them? No. But it sure makes for an interesting argument and conversation.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Simple Instructions

What type of person are you? I mean, how easily are you irked by the simple facts of life that don't turn out the way you want? For example, at a local Starbucks, you ask the barista to fill you a nice cup of ice coffee, sweetened, with milk and a touch of hazelnut… and instead you get all but the milk, sugar, or hazelnut. Does it matter if that happens in the morning, lunch, or after a long day at work?

But what about if this keeps happening constantly… not necessarily at the local Starbucks, but other places, like McDonnalds? I don't know about you, but I consistently have to reinforce my request. Sometimes, I wonder if it's my spoken english that is an impediment to others. I don't want to sound ignorant, but some people just aren't qualified to be out there with the customers. Because, some customers get really irritated, and in the defense of normal people, this is an unfortunate event.

There are other more important things in life than getting your order right the first time. After all, you're getting a service, which by a definition is not a right.

On the same line of thought, I don't believe the excuse for not following simple instructions is defined by the concept "it's only human to make mistakes" because then we would definitely be in trouble, all the time. It may come as a surprise to you but these types of mistakes go unnoticed for the most part. Until, of course, it's a "big deal" and all the hell breaks loose.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surface Matters

… Approaching from a distant unknown into the realms of a quiet planet -- our planet. It is silent except for slow-tormented cloudscapes enveloping the hemispheres, nothing seems to tilt the spin of perpetual stillness as it seems. Dive deeper into the lives of its inhabitants and that is about to change -- forever.

Stretching decades long, I have yet to see a wider spread of instability in the lives of individuals than we see today. Not really a surprise. Priorities have changed, I noticed. So did resources. But the sickened desperate desire to enrich one's self over the servitude of our next in kin has never been as strong and obvious as todays.

No single person can solve the problems facing the world today --the unanimous decision is to step aside and watch history unfold. The problem is we are easily distracted from a much bigger plan of a brave new world coincidentally portrayed by Aldous Huxley in his phenomenal 1931 novel.

One may argue our lives have become more fiction than reality, immersed in imagined lives of gaming and entertaining and far less in physical human interaction, of closeness, of respect and trust. All these lie inside each of us, but have yet to appreciate their true side effect. Life's too short to wonder "what if." Others would say, respect, trust, and kinship is just as well attained in the online world. It's an adaptation.

No matter what your beliefs are, don't just stand there. Do something today. Make your existence leave a mark somewhere, someplace, in someone's life. Decades from now, evil empires will still exist, and others will take their place. Our lives are far too fragile to save them for last. It's not worth it.

Small grandfather+boxer Edit

Monday, July 18, 2011

Concept - The Streets of Chicago

It’s me again.
The darkness outside pushes me indoors. But the hot weather doesn’t want me in just yet. And, I just don’t want to study tomorrow’s lecture. Not yet. Heaven, and everything else can wait. So I do what any other human being would do: with eyes closed, I study my own mind; the noise outside fades into underwater chatter. Memories are nice. But not lasting. We don’t really know how this works, other than energized impulses actually changing our microscopic structure and theoretically forming cohesion of memories embedded with all sensations that occurred at that time. Time, in this context has no meaning, no time zone specifics, no timestamp you can bet your money on with confidence.

Do you like dogs?

I do. I am sorry if you don’t. But if you do, then that’s good, so we can continue this monologue. Our perception of passing time is based on various things, but all comes down to something measuring time, i.e., hours. Dogs, for example, they have a different non-conventional interpretation. The fact is, we don't know if they even have one. Olfactory and acoustic functions are highly evolved in our canine friends. And with that, a trace of a flower can stay for days at end after it passed through a room carried by a man or a woman. But what if that same perfume is carried on a drift of summer wind? The noise of rushing steps coming down the street two blocks away echoing at night or during midday, they are all the same, alerting an event before confronting with the eyes. The smell and noise, they all trigger events of some sort. But because they often are so far apart carried by sound, or wind, or none at all, perception of time is completely altered, if not could even be non existent. Perhaps, this explains why the so called “separation anxiety” seen in canine species is attributed to owners leaving them at home because of being late or trying to be on time, a concept completely illogical to a dog’s life.

But what if, we can too have long lasting memories? Would we care to stop and contemplate? Would it really make a difference to our inborn or thrusted upon desires to be on-time? I can’t really say if it would make a difference at all. I am not patronizing anyone, nor have I lost complete hope. It’s just not my place to make up stuff like this. But I do like photography. I hope you also like it, because what I am about to share with you has a lot to do with it. Old photographs have always impressed me. Have you noticed how old pictures surviving decades are so small and faded? Something about an old picture of such a tiny space, to convey such extraordinary range of emotions, it’s completely disproportionate and illogical. When I find such old pictures, as rare as it may sound, I often ask the person handing it to me to describe it to me, how it was taken, how was the life back then, who are the people in the photo, what happened after that, and you would be surprised how much time passes listening to such stories. But what if, the case stands that we don’t know who the owner was? That’s when we begin to use our own imagination and look for clues to pull us in, looking for familiar things. Unfortunately, if nothing captures our attention, it all goes to waste until another person finds it, and again the process recycles. Only when a connection ensues and there is no one there to tell the story, then it starts to make some sense.

Let us begin then.

This past weekend, I had some time off to myself, a completely rare event by itself. But, fortunately I had a great friend to inspire me do something amazing, something I have never done before. Well, not quite, I have taken photos before, but not ever dedicated a whole slew of them to anyone. Well, I did that actually, but it wasn’t for friends, it was because I was asked to do events, projects, etc. Bottom line, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Anyhow, by itself it is an event of an event. As you can see, it’s astronomic in proportions if you follow me. Well, never mind that now. The important thing is I had a plan, and my mind was already working on how to see it through. I tried paying attention, but I felt dizzy trying to keep up with it. Odd, I know. But, as one would say, “You make plans, and Gods laugh at you.” Eh, so they do. At least I am no comedian by trade.


Convey the story of the city I live as a form of gratitude. But, I prefer to take shots of people more than empty buildings, or empty parks, or empty benches, etc. Experience tells me, strangers don’t like to be photographed randomly. Even if one agrees to be photographed, a smile always takes shape, which to me, changes the whole perspective of story telling. I don’t want empty smiles, I don’t want fake emotions for the sake of a “hold it for the camera man” cliche. The next best thing to what I created here is being in a passenger seat. But will this be enough? We will have to wait and see.
Why the passenger seat you ask? Because, you try walking 600 square kilometers, and get back to me how that makes you feel -_-
Honestly, I don’t think I even covered half this surface area, but my speedometer recorded under 150 mi (240 km) the entire path I took using over 400 raw shots on one battery charge.
In true sense, I was afraid to be questioned by police. I was afraid to be mugged in public. I was afraid to get into an accident. I was afraid to be followed and chased down. And for that, I had to keep on moving. With window rolled down, my camera mount was on the passenger seat, but unfortunately it was silver colored. Nonetheless, it was a great time to be thankful the camera body and lens were completely black.


Memories are nice, but not long lasting. What if we can have long lasting memories? What would we do with them? I don’t know. I don’t honestly say I create memories. I do try to simulate the chance of making new ones. I know I am missing one important factor. The sound, perhaps, but most importantly, the smell, the temperature, the perspiration, the chatter, the periods of brief stopping as traffic lights let others drive across, and watch the pedestrians flow in their own rushed ways. And then, it begins again. And stops. Different people, following a similar routine. But different people with different things on their mind.
Every picture is rich in content, only we fail to connect in our own ways. By providing you with many opportunities, I only hope you have a lot more chances to connect with some of them.


The slight convex dichromatic lens with mounted UV/polaroid filter captured as much light as possible, and the same goes for detail, and surface area, all without distorting the image to an ugly sphere. Control was accomplished via IR remote, therefore no successive shots of same image was ever possible. These images have rarely been cropped, to include as much detail as possible. Reviewing them, I noticed accidental perfect geometric perspectives. There is one shot with a runner caught between two huge flowery pots, right between them. Another shot of two equally spaced trees in the image split in half by a third. There are other images that show this tendency. I can’t explain how this happened. I simply drove by and pressed the remote when in the line of sight. Everything else was left to chance. Which, in fact, chance was the main purpose. Plan enough to leave everything else to chance. It must be the element of surprise or unawareness that counts. At least to me this does.


I don’t know if my intention to convey the streets of Chicago reached the intended state of awareness. As a matter of fact, I don’t know if the few images selected here from the almost five hundred truly make the cut. One thing I know for sure, I will never know the answer. But, it isn’t what I want to know. It is the connection these may make with you. So try enjoying them. And, as my three years old niece would say, “Ok, I think that’s it.”

Special Notes:

My thanks for inspiration go whole heartedly to SymOna.

Recent Flickr Uploads:
Photo-stream Last Night.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

lack of disconcert

C'est la vie.

Such is life. The lack of disconcert so bluntly delivered to me by some of the newest members of this planet turned a blank page into these.

I will not, however, scribble of rescues, chances taken, the living, and the dead.

Neither will I convey my interpretation of the events that lead to my discovery of the half dozen young birds running back and forth along the concrete wall.

Nor will I share with you the uncertainty I feel inside wondering if my intervention proved to be of any good.

I did, however, decide to grab few good shots of these fellows but not make them into superstars. Instead, my ultimate guide is to entail their story to you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

White noise - Flightsong

Here is a link to my iTunes account Podcast. The new file called Flightsong should populate in iTunes within 24 hours. Sometimes, changes do not show as they should. But, if you opt to subscribe to the podcast, the link will definitely become available via iTunes. So, give it a try and see if you like the new White noise creation. Hope it helps you as much as it helps me.

Click here to download the song directly


  • White Noise - Immerse in a passenger airliner inflight background noise to block out outside noise and help you concentrate.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Studying for Medicine

How does a medical student survive medical school?

By studying as hard as one can without jumping the ship.

Here’s a shot using my pathetic phone camera of my desk at the library where you would find me regularly going over material for the next coming exams.

[sigh...] It may look pathetic, but the truth is, that’s all I’ve got for now. The life ahead of me is going to get tougher, but I know it will be more rewarding. For now, it’s surviving, staying afloat, and trying to make it through another day.

Who is in control?

I was thinking how is it that we always feel the need to be in control? Before challenging this idea, let’s consider the following.

Here and now

Two most fundamental ideas, almost as powerfully as religion. They’ve always been around, the simplest concepts any sentient being understands with whatever brain power claim to have.

In this ambience of concepts, when we are threatened by either here or now, we tend to go either in the past or future, for refuge or control seeking behavior. Some say, there is no point in thinking of a past that existed and could have been now. Because it’s not now, it’s in the past.

And then, there is now. This very moment, nothing mystical about it, very simple and straight forward. But from now, arises a sense of intelligence, because we are constantly acting with the reality, one by one; something happens and we’re there to experience it, almost instantly with fantastic precision.

What do we seek when we feel threatened? Do we seek solitude? Understanding? Nothing? Something?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Enough is enough.

Seriously. There are a lot of things any normal individual can pick out from daily events and complain bitterly about. it’s just the nature of things.

I would like to say about myself that I am consciously aware of this humane feature. I don’t really like to talk about things that aren’t of my business or concern.

But there is this one incident that keeps oscilating. By itself, the event is non eventful in the sense that it is completely benign. But, on a bigger scale, it is not.

My next door neighbor is extremely loud. Day or night, whenever it may be, voices, music, ambient noises, all spill over to my place of study. Blame the engineers who designed this building I call home. Blame the lack of funding for lamely isolating the walls between apartments.

This is on one side of the apartment. However, on the opposite side, things are quiet as they should be (though I checked and can assure you, both opposite ends of my apartment are occupied by tenants. This little factoid rules out the problem with the lack of isolation within the structure of the walls. It simply points out the rudely loud ranting qualities of my neighbor.

[Sigh...] I have addressed this complaint with my fellow tenant. This of course turned to no resolution.

Thus, it is by rule of elimination, I am entitled to broadcast my displeasing feelings towards such noisy display of human evolution.

The file link attached within this text points your browser to a quick and dirty MP3 file of the audio recording spilling into my apartment without regards to my sleeping needs.!/imRadu/status/48078070816575488

Enjoy and be safe.

And, of course, use protection whenever possible.